Monday, November 11, 2013

Worked on my SoulPath today. I used the Mankind Project "Mission Exercise: Wheel of Life" pie chart to "assess" where I was, developmentally, in different areas of my life. 

Seeing that I felt like I was at a "zero" in the realm of Community Service and Citizenship left me longing to fill up and develop that path. And so I reflected what I felt like would be various layers of development, from my "zero" (or maybe "1") all the way out as far as I could, to "Doing It! and reflecting back — which is what I am doing here — and ultimately publishing some summaries of my quest/path to journals such as Oracle 20/20 or PanGaia or other publications. 

Having this "important but not urgent" chart here is good for my focusing — I have taken a step in their direction today for each Layer I drew-uncovered on my Chart. 

I am exploring a regional journal of spiritual ecology — and my NEXT STEP seems to be having a discussion with Appalachian Voices about the possibility, since they occupy the market sector and range but not the spirit of what I am talking about. (They are activist and informative, but not so artistic or expressive as I am imagining). 

I wrote Chuck Marsh about my desire to give workshops with ecology and permaculture blending with Advising, SoulPath, Mission, and Purpose questions in life — the "reflection" and mentorship, the "samtalspartner" segment that David Issacs named for me in our own discussion; and the same approach that a lot of learning institutes are offering now (due to a real lack of mentorship, guidance, and true Soul Care in our culture of formal education) — Gaia U, Mycelium (perhaps!?); Joy Harmon's approach; probably some of the alternative schools around this asheville region. 

And somehow, learning and doing interviews would be so useful: something that has come to me so many times. Really learning how to do research through multiple interviews. SKILL: Researching questions and uncovering shared collective knowledge through qualitative research processes:  

• The myriad of collective living situations - micro-communitarian communal homesteading in asheville and surrounds
• Eco-Regional Archetypal Stories
• Collective / Psyche Archetypes "where this regional eco-cultural story wants to go" 

Just emailed David Issacs about the above!

Checking out,
