Thursday, December 26, 2013

Working on career SOULPATH - Christmas Time with Family, 2013

Working on career. Stable at job now – with much goodness within it. Doesn’t make the money for a longterm relationship with a child – in my opinion – with wanting a homestead, solar house, refurbs, a car that works and a mother that can stay home with the child.

Dad puts the heat on me like in the Lodge when the steam hot rock beings breathed their life-giving death into me...

The first thing I think of is teaching ecology with the public schools. The second thing I think of is a counseling track. Then I remember Michael Young and – wanting to make a career that gets me bing payed by what I already do – by bine what I already am. The world of creative art – songs – all this on the side right now, because it is something I already do but am miles behind in making happen.

The Soul Path in Ecology and Teaching with Young Adults and just-turned-men is a path I also think of – workshops and working with Permaculture Institute and the like to guide soul path and direction with people.

That means getting on board with Kaveen and other Teachers-Counselors and making something happen.

It means putting together some poems for the Asheville Poetry Review as well.

And the first things mean getting into courses with RALC – and the Counselling Certification with the State of North Carolina.

But I remember the MESS of energy that I get into with really superficially extroverted things. And I want to avoid that if I can.

And reading Nature and the Soul by Bill Plotkin.

And of course there's learning some carpentry skills with Jen or anyone I can work with.