Monday, March 31, 2014

Pearson Gardens

Community gardens, like community houses, are places for learning and growth. Like minded people coming together out of love and a shared intention creates a magical space where many things can happen. Friendships made and forged, possibilities expanded from the dream of the single sleeper to the wide-eyed dreams of the gathered crowd. 

Signs are common in community spaces that have evolved with love and care. We want our systems to work, and so we create channels of communication to convey their highest evolved functioning. Art always has a place in their creation, for art is the song of the heart in love. 

Ecology, dreams, and the sun and moon all have their place here.

The garden is a microcosm of the cosmos.

But what is it stake here is not only the creation of a community in a small city on earth, but the skilling of human life at its core essence - the creation of food, and its interplay with the greater-than-human world from which we are born, and on which we all constantly feed. 

What are you giving back to the spirit of Earth?

As for myself, I remember my connections as best I can. I give food to the soil, and piss to the trees. I give my thoughts to the whole planet, and my people – the human beings – and to this region on which I live. I talk to the things of this earth, the same way I talk to God. When I invoke Jesus, where is he? When I invoke his consciousness, is he on some dimension that I can see touch taste?

When I speak with that inner voice, I believe His spirit can live in all things. 

Do not all babies touch our heart the way that Christ can?

Call it what you will, I love this Life, and am true to, and truest in, the Divinity.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The White Pine

A part of my garden is Inward. Nature connects me. 

Sacred Places

There is a woods near my house.

People come to commune-

A sacred place, for exercise, for light, for breathing the natural beings. 

Do you know this place? Respite and reminder. Promise of a journey within, without, and in terms of all beings.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

First gardening

I'm starting a garden. It is the entire earth.

How will our civilization know the future?  As a populated place, with resources dwindled to naught?  

As a loving community of life. As a sacred, molten stone, covered in a microbial skin that breeds and gives birth to its own children. 

I make a sacred offering. Who do you pray to? When there is deep, deep suffering, to what do you most commonly turn? And when there is Joy – to what or whom do you most typically give thanks?  

Connell shows up. Lover of mantids! Why do you like bugs?, I ask him. I take video.  

– How do I embed video from my iPhone!? –