Sunday, January 25, 2015

A place I dance surrounded by Pine.

There's a place I dance in the woods north of my house. Carpeted in Pine, ceilinged by tall trees. and when I dance, and my dancing in my heart, or in the air? The dance is here and there. Thanks to the creatures who love me, laugh with me, and help me on my way. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Reflections on a considered life and the bioregional sun

Living a life – a well considered life – results in meaning and purpose, joy and gratitude for me as an artist and as a living being.

To truly look at where we live – the interconnectedness, the gifts of our Southern Appalachian mountains, the abundant water, the tree people, who give us beauty as well as so many goods – to see the cultures here, to know the animals and the medicine, the natural foods, the ways we can best build in order to support abundant, clean energy and healthy living, and to truly look at ourselves – to truly look at myself – what I'm good at, how I show up in the world, what people love and appreciate about me – where I feel strong and useful, beautiful and appreciated – where I love working, how I love working even if it's contrary to what I grew up being told, or to what I believed about myself even – and then to put the two together and begin looking at how we can build a life it's cleaner for the planet, healthier for human beings and all beings on this planet…To look at what wonderful things we could be creating as a part of this big earth that we live on together with so many different people… To honor the different cultures around us, human, animal, ecological, and also to honor the unknown, the mystery, God's will, the divine that we don't always anticipate or understand. All of this is so important to bring together – both for my close circle of loved ones, like the people I'm working on with this play – and the greater community of people because we all live together on this planet. We are all interconnected and effect each other everything we do affects each other. And there's a lot of strife, difficulty communicating – a lot of challenges because we are different people and we communicate differently and have different levels of understanding about things. But the work we are all doing is important – if it's considered work – if it's in line with our understanding of God's will – if it's work that we have reflected on and considered. I believe in it more if you too have considered it prayed on it and yourself believe in it. If you really understand what it is to do meaningful work. And this is the way to build a new beautiful old patchwork culture like a quilt we are creating with God and everyone else that has all creatures and things all beauty all good dreams Inside of it as possibilities.

And I hope through this work that I discover and skill up on the ways I show up best in the world in accordance with my own highest vision that I've been talking about here.