Friday, April 10, 2015

"The Story of Us" – Partnership Storying.

There are so many ways to weave story. One is writing - writing the story "Call Me Not Lost but Home". Another is weaving the "bee theatre" piece of faerie troupe and showing that at events throughout the year. Another Story is the one I create about my own life - story I share with my Life Partner for that is a piece of the puzzle that I like to include in the Story.

The Story of Us.

We share living space together but are not Alone. Others live in our Community - sunshine housemates, musicians, perhaps even some temporary folks who are there for six months or so -- doing their own thing, yes, but also regularly checking in around the garden and their duties and relationships to the community.

We share some duties around - raising children, touching base around the children in the community that you help with. And I help with— growing, spending time together with as a steward and leader of adventures! And as a teacher. Same thing, right?

You and I have our own projects, and life pathways we are unfolding, but we also have some shared joys - exploration, travel, singing, dance, lovemaking, listening, friendship. We are making music together - an album, slowly over time. You are a friend to my friends and family and they to you. We love each other and support our lifeways.

Your beauty and charm suprise me sometimes. Unexpectedly, the ways that you hold yourself, look, act -- show up in your honesty and fierceness and insecurity and sorrow and laughter bring me joy and desire. I learn to accept these and flow with them as the show up.

We check in sometimes as friends. No romantic expectations - just a real, true sharing of our hearts and such. Letting go of story and *hearing* the other person.

We show each other love and support. We are a primary go-to in times of need. We support each other in our life missions - even if it is different from the other's perspectives - and honor growth and personal feelings of fulfillment. The other person needs to feel fulfilled and purposeful - confident and accepted - by the outside world, and *their* world, in addition to and separate from each other.

We each have other friendships that we tend -- and remember to tend. We will encourage each other to do things separate from ourselves from time to time - and monitor that we are getting this done. (This is a habit I want to form *within relationship* -- since I want to do this more than in past partnerships.)

We have a sense of humor and lightness and realism.

We share movies from time to time— or shows — beautiful events and stories and entertainments.

We have fun in our lovemaking.

We are gentle and deep and tender and accepting and loving with our sensuality and dreams.

We tend one anothers' families and make allowances for both. We may even move back and forth - spend time at one place for a while, and then another.

We have our own, special retreat center we hold together – a cabin, small house perhaps or our "lovemaking shack" -- where we both retreat together to raise children, be in touch, and get away from the rest of the hubub from time to time. Otherwise we have a special lovemaking blanket we take with us into the wilderness or woods that we lay on and share and make love and talk-story with each other. This is a special place where we share with each other and ...

We each have a "place of our own" -- where we inhabit our own wildness as individuals and are free to become our spirit animals and dance the dance of solo communion.

We also have a space of close community - a kitchen or hosting-sharing space that holds up to 12 - and sometimes half that number or less - where we share meals with community members, family, visiting kin and friends from other places. This is our place for chosen honoring and merriment.

We are allowed to fawn over the other person and groom and tend them from time to time. We are in love.