Sunday, September 29, 2013

I've Come Home.

Here I am. I’ve made it. I’ve made it home – home to the southern appalachians. 10 years ago, I decided to come home – to make my home – back in the Southeast. here I am. I’m not lost anymore. I’m home.

I have people who should be around as long as life grants them forms. AS long as God gives them bodies, breathing.

I’ve come home to Soul: purposeful personal work. Story-gathering, symbol and archetype gathering, listening, being present with what is. Gardening. Having community. Having people who have know us a number of years and neither of us think the other’s going anywhere.

Celebrating the real truth of the now – whatever form I find it in.

Finding people in my life who desire and celebrate truth and clarity, and clear, loving compassion, purpose, authenticity and joy above all things. These are things I celebrate: presence, deepest truth, inquiry, purposefulness, love and pleasure, compassion, right relationship, right work, clarity, soul, dreams, the dance we share, the stories we share. Ecstatic experience. Authentic “showing up”. Sharing, dialogue, dance. Joy. 

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