Monday, October 13, 2014

Back to the Southeast!

This is why I love being back in the Southeast. Trees plants forest and biodiversity. It is a lush and rich and beautiful here. Green parks abound, and fall is in the air.

Water is so present here. It is an ocean of clouds and rivers and rain in the form of thick leaves, forests and plants. 

And Asheville, the city where I live? It strikes me now as small and rural and isolated. No visible skyline driving in, no great lights, just a windy mess with some quite foggy clouds drifting in front of stars, forestey trees lit by streetlights every few corners. It's a long way up into these old mountains from the sea to finally get to this little town. 

And so I say, 

"Home! Little Asheville, dark, quiet, starry, windy, with some clouds. Big trees, green forests moving into Autumn, moist chill in the air, way up in these old mountains, far from the sea. My Home!"

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