Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day's Assessment - New Performance, Tobacco Prayer

I started working on the next performance today. I signed up for a class on archetypal mythological work and cleaned the shit out of my room a couple days ago. I am tired at the moment and exhausted -- and yet have more to do! Clan the living room... vaccuum.

Had a great, grounded realism night with my sweetie last evening too - feel like I'm shedding ego in so many ways: humbled by relationship, humbled by the illness that passed through me - and may still linger so much - in my being. Got clear on my financial needs, wants, and goals - and how I could accomplish that with my work in life.

So much has suddenly fallen into place.

I need to clear with Alina around our performance possibility for this coming summertime show. What I want to do -- what wants to happen as I am channelling my spirit of performance writing and show to the world. To give my gifts in the best way I can.

Just had a tobacco prayer - two of those today - the first reminding me to call my Mom - which was so beneficial in so many ways with the life track I'm on - and the latest reminding me to sit and story, which is why I am sitting here now.

May the path be blessed and may all things thrive in an unfolding that is wilder and more stunning and full than anything I can possibly imagine.


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