Thursday, February 5, 2015

A clear picture of who I best am will yield the best results in deep contentment.

A clear picture of the world and how it is will also yield the best results in terms of acceptance.

We live in a space of common, hard realities and of dense, creative mindstuff and of clear spirit all overlapping.

I know that when I work landscaping I am not stacking my functions as well as I could.

The narratives of our life and of culture as it unrolls are dense playgrounds of care for me.

how can I bring pollinators, city design, honey, fruits, herbs, medicine, healing, tea -- into awareness. Into acceptance.

into the flow of funding and awareness.

The clarity or clear space to hear spirit -- to feel spirit -- to know spirit -- so see spirit -- to sense spirit -- to dream spirit -- to listen more deeply... all of these are so important.

I know the world is riddled with many dense dreams.

How tempting to see them all as competing -- the fundamentalists, the essentialisms. The flow-goddesses, the hard-workers, the philosophers -- the anarchist fighters. Reactionary progressives. The allowing wealth holders.

Sarah moves into realms of "drawing the wealth" .

I must learn how to communicate effectively with the powers of wealth and change. Connections. Clarity. Presence. Intention.

Production of performance. I know what needs to be done.


A blue marble. Swallowed by a spider. Ingested by a spider mother, white and beautiful.

She spins in the night. A million stars her body.

She is on a rope. She is jumping rope  - a little girl. She is a little black girl jumping rope, long braided heair. Maybe ten years old. Jumping rope. She is in a concrete playground.

She is older. She is in a forest, wild, well-presented. Drumming -- Pull Back -- drummin ina circle of friends. We see the circle. It is mostly other chocolate- and dark-sking-colored girls, women, irish. Corrinna Wood. Drumming. Wild. Lena Eastes. Drumming. Fires burning from the inipi. Smoke pouring out we can see the smoke pouring out.

Above the inipi structure the sun rises. We are flying above the earth - surfing the wave of the wind - like the weather. (skill up on the weather. ) We are the wind-cloud-being. The original Wind cloud dragon being spirit deva force consciousness animism. We are the Wind - see it soaring above the earth -- whole creature soaring above the earth.

We see the wind-creature. We zoom in on Her-it-hem-zem. Inside are a million dust-motes of pollen. She it zem is pollinating the pines. The motes of pollen dance in the wind.

We enter a pollination fable.

Two humans dance on the outside of the set. Man and woman, far apart on opposite ends.

Man and man. All the Males release their pollen simultaneously.

woman and Woman. All the Flowers bloom at once --- pistils open and ready, plump and ripe.

One beautiful Man -- Plant in flower, male flowered-plant in flower.

One regular man and woman - catkins and wind. Whispering on the wind. messaging and speaking.

When the pollens get together. - It is a conversation. Pollen and Egg, Seed and seed - inside the seeds - a conversation.

We pull out. We are in a coffee house. Across a table, two people. Conversation. Talking. Coversation.

Inside her belly -- a child grows -- and dies. So it is. We pull back out: Conversation.

The seeding of things.

Our mind-stuff -- interacting. Show a flow of energy. Pollenating, pollen clouds in a wind.

In a wind.

Wind creature, flying across the earth. Full of dusts. Full of dusts.

Earth. A blue marble. The spider-mother: spits it back out.

I need to produce the Bees. A production company. Art house production. Need to have an ally.
Need to produce the bees: and possibly the Water.

Need a trout: White squirrel Festival.

Spring-summer-autumn. Pretty big but can I do it -- while tending website, production company. Produce to evolve the politics? How can that be integrated. Maybe Gabi can be featured on the speaking circuit. Maybe I can produce Gabi as a speaker. Maybe we can perform together.

While perhaps narrating this as an album: practicing with the Appalachian Winter recordings.

Practicing with them.

I need four mornings like this to design and run story for the: Bees story; White Squirrel; Water Blessings; .

One more to run script for the Appalachian Winter;

and a weekend to record the narrative tracks for-with Thomas in the Home Studio.

A meeting with Sabio to review this idea; and ask him how he balances Finances with Creative Work;

A day or two to start with the Production Company business; and work with Brenda's suggestions.

Two days to do taxes;

Four days to work on the Funeral Home design and work with Keith on that;

Half a day to get the tree for the Fortini clinic;

Two days to network and design the Fortini clinic / Resnick pollinator garden and certification qualifications for that space -- three more days to promote and advertise that site


A minute to discuss the "community conversations" we can roll out as "Mycelium School" around place, identity, greater cultural visioning -- With Ashley, Mattice, Jen...

A day to hang with Muse and once-a-week on a date with someone...

Emmalee as my Love love love and Daniel, and Always my friends.

And perhaps we just go Busk for Fun!!!

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