Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Letter to S—, Clarifying What I'm Good at and Where I Want to Be Going


I’ve been giving it some thought, and determined that what I’m truly good at is networking, communications, listening, aesthetic digital design, research, understanding systems, personal and interpersonal guidance and imparting knowledge, copy (or writing), language, lyricism and verse, melody and song, spiritual presence, enthusiasm and connection, group leadership, initiative and startup energy, management, blogging-observation-and-reflection, brainstorming, activism and political causes,  clerical organization, group presentations, public speaking, contemplation and reflection, storytelling, imparting a sense of wonder and reflection, movement, dance, athleticism, theatrical interpretation, improvisation, negotiation, diplomacy, presence, empathy, intuition, and rapport.

I am a great lover of nature, mythology, and the psyche, and of cultural and ecological literacy towards liberation and clarity, resilient futures, and the alleviation of suffering.

When I do physical work – which I like to do – I am best in modest increments and need to be well-fed. Two three-hour blocks of time are the comfortable limits of my body and being, three days a week being by preferred limit at that amount of labor.  Of course that needs support from organization, uniform (clothing for hard dirty work), hygene, nutritious meals preparation and grocery shopping, administration and invoicing, design (minimal but still needed), planning, client interface and communications, purchasing of materials and maintenance of tools, truck, and of self-care such as yoga, massage and medicine.

When properly fueled and rolling, I can accomplish a lot of physical work in a small amount of time, but I tend to become exhausted if I work fast, but bored if I work slowly.

My challenges are memorization (I have to make lists and organize them), steady, ongoing, heavy physical labor (I get bored, exhausted, and my body is not particularly stocky, plus my joints hurt), logistics (e.g. best-guessing multiple possible spatial-temporal events ahead of time). I also have several personal projects that I want to devote time to, and believe in, but that do not earn much money as of yet and that is always a challenge in terms of what to give my time and energy to.

If I had my d’ruthers I would be doing performance production, along with land-and-soil-based permaculture manifestation on personal property, along with a supplemental income doing counseling, workshops, or teaching. On top of that I am manic to somehow continue to produce songs and work with musical production, as well as be politically active towards positive bioregional futures. When I don’t feel like I have the resources to do all that, I get short of breath, and that possibility leaves me feeling despondent and exhausted. But I will somehow roll them all in, and if I succeed I believe I will have a sense of living my purpose on Earth that will be so deeply satisfying that I will die a happy man. May it come to pass and let it be true.   

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