Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Who I Am in My Garden – A Vision of my Future

The Garden I tend is a public garden. It is also a garden on land that I feel ownership with. It is an intro garden for a center where people come to explore and be introduced to a new way of living and being – a center of love and light and life and healing and possibility. I am not the supervisor for the whole – but I do tend the Garden and sculpt it  and have a part in the medicinal herbs section as well as in the pollinator plantings in the background – a more “behind the scenes’ personhood that is deeply supportive to the Bees presence and system in the Center.

Off to the side is my own section – organization, office, and headquarters to the goings-on of the section fo the Center that I am part of.

I facilitate and produce performances and productions that come through this Center. I call out the goings-on of the performance center and conect its relevance to and with the relevance of the World – I am the two-way mirror between what is unfolding at the Center – that I am guiding – and the goings-on of the world.

I wonder out into the world to listen, to observe, to sense the state of the World in silence, observe, taste, Know. to Know where the World is and who she tastes and smells like. Then I can silently Guide the archetypal satings of the Chosen Ones. I am a Filter between a Wolrd Mind and the People I Tend. I can be the game-place-keeper, the one who Places the People in the Narrative.

I make a living at this. I write about the Placement of People in the Narrative of the World.

We First Need a Myth-Thread – and that is Created from the Sacred Marriage of Vision and of Service. Service through Listening, Knowing, silently ... Vision through Madness, Dream, Intensity, Manic Inward Creativity... Where the Two Meet is the Crux, the Golden Key.

Director of the Center for Archetypal Presence, Archetypal Production


What is the Myth-Thread for the Earthaven Experience?

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