Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Connecting the Threads

Does our bioregion need gardening too? I know that people want celebration, meaning, and acknowledgment. I think of the way that the farmers work the soil hard, the big open spaces, the Tilder's waiting for seeds, one by one, to be planted and grown to feed those of us living densely need to nourishment too.

I want to support ecological consciousness in a way that connects, connects the languages, the languages of the different peoples, who are working this land we call the Southern Appalachians. 

People say they will get behind me if I roll out a performance troupe vision that includes a grounded acknowledgment of our region, the spirit behind life, the archetypes of soul under the work people do for the good of Gaia gardening. 

I think this means promotions, but it also means really getting in the spirit of doing this work. That means keeping organized the threads of the stories, and also knowing who else is doing what… I have some time to dedicate to myself in looking into this and researching my stories and community.

The doorway is the doorway that we are ever walking toward and from. 

The roses are the beauty of life.

There is both :-)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reflections on soulful work and my life path

Had a vision dream of a tree deity this morning. I'm taking pictures of events, and looking at local groups who are like green works. 

Most mornings I notice I spend well in contemplation and action towards what I want to be doing. Sometimes this makes me late to appointments! 

I know my spirit has the intelligence to wake me up on time and time my life perfectly… Because she always does! My body falls back asleep sometimes though. And then when I go ahead anyway and work on what I need to that morning, I do become late for things. Plus there's the distractions… If you want to call it that.

And thinking about the long-term projections of life, and how I want to support that, and what that might look like, for me having a family, a woman, children, community…

And there's the things that I feel so called to do on any given day… It still has to do with networking my community region, knowing is doing what green and intelligent and soulful work,

If I didn't compromise a thing, right now, I'd be doing counseling… and work in the natural world for my health, and leading groups through soulful missions that also he'll and work actively in Earth health and repair – so that they could also tend their bodies, and feel a connection that meant more to them than just some narrow individualized plan.

What am I doing? I am working enough to pay my bills, I am dating a beautiful woman who matches the descriptions I have for a good partner, I am tending and interacting and feeding from and hopefully nourishing my community of people, I am performing, in cosmological and ecological shows… I honor my parents, although I did receive money from them again recently… and i am moving forward every day almost with the things I feel strongly compelled and called to do in the world!

I pray, give thanks and my altar, receive dream messages, intend to do beautiful things that unite community and people. I listen to the latest news and statistics on earth care and sustainability for us. Breathe deeply most of the time ;-) 

I do not keep to myself much anymore. I choose to move in love, and keep conscious what I have realized… December our teeth, beauty, depth of meaning and soulful action from my own source, and I suppose tending to some of the details is becoming less of a rigor for me since I see the benefits, and know that we almost do this.

About to go work in a vineyard, very very low pay, but a good companionship, memories of my childhood in the fields, fresh delicious wine and food, and a sweet masculine hippie man who is a good work companion.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Garden of Light, Garden of Life -- My Role as "Via Creativa" in the Cosmic Mass

It’s interesting how the universe moves at a speed that is different than my mind. 

I am doing things now that a few months ago I was asking for in my life. It’s true and wonderful — and while it may be true that what I am “asking” for right now is moved on past what I am actively doing in life. it is amazing to see that when I follow my “flow” of heart and fate, windows upon windows unfold for me in the future. 

Just finished a ceremonial performance dancing at a Cosmic Mass that a local center of worship was producing, I was 1/2 of “Via Creativa”, representing the generative creative force that occurs when “Positiva” and “Negativa” come together and push into “Transformativa”. The prayerformance was dance, song, chant, ceremony, grief, ecstacy, and trance. 

I think culture rocks to hear this kind of thing. 

I recall reading prechtel — and thinking of other cultures — which produce elaborate ceremonies for their people as a part of their “highest task in life”. It’s like, if we are fed and cared for — and even if we are not!! — we have to do something so creative, so sacred and beautiful and enriching and fundaentally reconnecting to what is beautiful and worth preserving in life. It gives us purpose, reinforces certain sets of convictions, releases stagnancy, enthralls and bonds. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Flow and Form

I speak of flow and form. By flow I mean, the ever-unfolding pathway the Universe reveals -- a kaleidescope bridge between all moments, revealing always the unexpected which we flow into

And I mean by form, the order with which we imagine our world unfolding.

What sexual play! What an intriguing thing, the Mind wanting certain things, being open, aware, of certain opportunities -- and based on what! hat of these Wants are from stories, myths, talkes told and ingested, from boyhood, from culture, from expectations of and from others and of Self --

And then the Callings, from Source? Dare I name it that...

And then the Flow : that no things are truly controllable. Truly knowable. Plans made are shifted by the Better Mind -- the Universal Knower -- not always in accord with what I (the little I) who makes a guess...

and yet also, trying to Dance with the universal creator whose sliver of sliver of authentic Soul resides in this form in this body -- ungrockable eternally by the Mind that speculates and makes Best Plans each morning...

And yet we are flowed forward, re-plan, flowed forward -- until the Planning itself becomes just Flow...

and one day we perhaps let it go
Or perhaps joyful let it flow... such plans... such men...
such times as we thrive, love and laugh, dance in!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Sacred Woods and the Network

I come to the sacred woods again. Surely, a network of life lives through these parkways. How many people worship here? Call it exercise, walking, time in nature, relaxation… some make altars at the trees. Often, I sit and breathe.

I know these woods are cared for officially by the UNCA experimental Forest manager. But the richness of life they give is so profound, and so many people who live here benefit. 

Life is sustained, perpetuated, and remembered in part by a connection with our deeper roots as human beings. Some say human history is 6000 years old – but I know it is much, much older than that. Perhaps we have not been "human" long, but we have existed forever. Our form traces back through manifestations upon manifestations, back   through unknowable stars, to the very first rustling thrum of our universal Bell, when the world was so dense that it existed as liquid reverberation. 

And so, to be in a place that remembers our evolution, our essence, and the fact of the myriad pathways that gave rise to the 10,000 things with which we find ourselves perpetually surrounded, and to know that They are so in ineffably and truly alive, is to remind us of our roots and connection. And to be present in the chaordic patterns of a Nature wilder then the squared angles of our human fabrications is to vibrate with all of the unhuman potentials that reside still in the genetic memories of our being.

To keep us wild is to remember the genetic ancestries of our mind. To breathe as air the immediate dense exhalations of a million myriad plant creatures is like inhaling the breath from a lover's lips at one centimeter in the flush of heat energy of sensuality. Only, this is not a lover to fuck lightly. It is an experience to take totally. 

"The trees are in love with the wind.
See them turning and sighing in her arms. 
See them whispering in every ear.
They are forever entwined.
And are they ever as one?"

The subtle spit from her mouth enters his pores.
They inhale her fragrance and extract energy for growth. 
They grow strong with her eternal caress.
And she?
She changes into the moment-away-from-flame,
Into the almost-combustible earth,
From the collective sigh of every Sun-transforming cell
Across the entire face
Of our planet-Mother.

I step into this bliss.
I step again into this. 
Again, I move through this.
Into life as one kiss
Again I move in this
Move with breath and bliss
Stand and breathe this gift
Know that we are this
Own this life as gift.

And so I move in a land that we eat as locusts and worship as kin. Should not eating then be only done as worship? Do we not realize and remember the source of such rituals?

Is each step not a tiny death? Is each breath not a living transformation?

Is each life not an arc of the sacred / like one long exhalation?
With the long-inhale coming in the darkness between, / in the passage of which we can only dream...