Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reflections on soulful work and my life path

Had a vision dream of a tree deity this morning. I'm taking pictures of events, and looking at local groups who are like green works. 

Most mornings I notice I spend well in contemplation and action towards what I want to be doing. Sometimes this makes me late to appointments! 

I know my spirit has the intelligence to wake me up on time and time my life perfectly… Because she always does! My body falls back asleep sometimes though. And then when I go ahead anyway and work on what I need to that morning, I do become late for things. Plus there's the distractions… If you want to call it that.

And thinking about the long-term projections of life, and how I want to support that, and what that might look like, for me having a family, a woman, children, community…

And there's the things that I feel so called to do on any given day… It still has to do with networking my community region, knowing is doing what green and intelligent and soulful work,

If I didn't compromise a thing, right now, I'd be doing counseling… and work in the natural world for my health, and leading groups through soulful missions that also he'll and work actively in Earth health and repair – so that they could also tend their bodies, and feel a connection that meant more to them than just some narrow individualized plan.

What am I doing? I am working enough to pay my bills, I am dating a beautiful woman who matches the descriptions I have for a good partner, I am tending and interacting and feeding from and hopefully nourishing my community of people, I am performing, in cosmological and ecological shows… I honor my parents, although I did receive money from them again recently… and i am moving forward every day almost with the things I feel strongly compelled and called to do in the world!

I pray, give thanks and my altar, receive dream messages, intend to do beautiful things that unite community and people. I listen to the latest news and statistics on earth care and sustainability for us. Breathe deeply most of the time ;-) 

I do not keep to myself much anymore. I choose to move in love, and keep conscious what I have realized… December our teeth, beauty, depth of meaning and soulful action from my own source, and I suppose tending to some of the details is becoming less of a rigor for me since I see the benefits, and know that we almost do this.

About to go work in a vineyard, very very low pay, but a good companionship, memories of my childhood in the fields, fresh delicious wine and food, and a sweet masculine hippie man who is a good work companion.

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