Saturday, May 17, 2014

Garden of Light, Garden of Life -- My Role as "Via Creativa" in the Cosmic Mass

It’s interesting how the universe moves at a speed that is different than my mind. 

I am doing things now that a few months ago I was asking for in my life. It’s true and wonderful — and while it may be true that what I am “asking” for right now is moved on past what I am actively doing in life. it is amazing to see that when I follow my “flow” of heart and fate, windows upon windows unfold for me in the future. 

Just finished a ceremonial performance dancing at a Cosmic Mass that a local center of worship was producing, I was 1/2 of “Via Creativa”, representing the generative creative force that occurs when “Positiva” and “Negativa” come together and push into “Transformativa”. The prayerformance was dance, song, chant, ceremony, grief, ecstacy, and trance. 

I think culture rocks to hear this kind of thing. 

I recall reading prechtel — and thinking of other cultures — which produce elaborate ceremonies for their people as a part of their “highest task in life”. It’s like, if we are fed and cared for — and even if we are not!! — we have to do something so creative, so sacred and beautiful and enriching and fundaentally reconnecting to what is beautiful and worth preserving in life. It gives us purpose, reinforces certain sets of convictions, releases stagnancy, enthralls and bonds. 

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