Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Connecting the Threads

Does our bioregion need gardening too? I know that people want celebration, meaning, and acknowledgment. I think of the way that the farmers work the soil hard, the big open spaces, the Tilder's waiting for seeds, one by one, to be planted and grown to feed those of us living densely need to nourishment too.

I want to support ecological consciousness in a way that connects, connects the languages, the languages of the different peoples, who are working this land we call the Southern Appalachians. 

People say they will get behind me if I roll out a performance troupe vision that includes a grounded acknowledgment of our region, the spirit behind life, the archetypes of soul under the work people do for the good of Gaia gardening. 

I think this means promotions, but it also means really getting in the spirit of doing this work. That means keeping organized the threads of the stories, and also knowing who else is doing what… I have some time to dedicate to myself in looking into this and researching my stories and community.

The doorway is the doorway that we are ever walking toward and from. 

The roses are the beauty of life.

There is both :-)

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