Monday, May 12, 2014

Flow and Form

I speak of flow and form. By flow I mean, the ever-unfolding pathway the Universe reveals -- a kaleidescope bridge between all moments, revealing always the unexpected which we flow into

And I mean by form, the order with which we imagine our world unfolding.

What sexual play! What an intriguing thing, the Mind wanting certain things, being open, aware, of certain opportunities -- and based on what! hat of these Wants are from stories, myths, talkes told and ingested, from boyhood, from culture, from expectations of and from others and of Self --

And then the Callings, from Source? Dare I name it that...

And then the Flow : that no things are truly controllable. Truly knowable. Plans made are shifted by the Better Mind -- the Universal Knower -- not always in accord with what I (the little I) who makes a guess...

and yet also, trying to Dance with the universal creator whose sliver of sliver of authentic Soul resides in this form in this body -- ungrockable eternally by the Mind that speculates and makes Best Plans each morning...

And yet we are flowed forward, re-plan, flowed forward -- until the Planning itself becomes just Flow...

and one day we perhaps let it go
Or perhaps joyful let it flow... such plans... such men...
such times as we thrive, love and laugh, dance in!

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